Thursday, June 3, 2010

Productive, Social, and Hopeful

June 3, 2010

The dates are confirmed and reservations for the trip are made. I hope this is a vacation everyone will enjoy. Looking forward to seeing the ocean once again. I remember in college there were a string of several years in a row I made an annual pilgram to see the Atlantic, but it has probably been a good ten years since last I saw it. As I reminded my mother- the emotion is excitement, not anxiousness or nervousness. We are excited! Everything will work out fine.

Moving forward on home projects as well. New ceremic tile is in sight. The estimator came today so I await the numbers to see how much I want or how much I can afford.

A conversation with an old friend felt a little odd though- distance continues to creep into a once close friendship. Saddened that I am losing touch, but I realize we are moving in different directions and it always takes two to stay connected. I'll cherish the memories and times I do have to connect with her though brief they may be.

Lunch with a co-worker and a good 2 mile run with a neighbor this evening. Feeling productive, social, and hopeful. A nice beginning to the season.

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